Kim Feel – If I Live Again (다시 산다면) Memory OST

The wind is looking at me
The evening sun is looking at me
Like a lonely bird that can’t fly
On top of my shoulders
For me, whose traces have grown dull

Look at the burned me
Look at the lost me
When I thought you were someone
Who I could see some day, who I could go to
You disappeared on that empty day

If I live again, where would this place be?
If I leave, will I be able to forget?
After time passes and I look back
Will I long for even the loneliness?

Only you know the sight of my back
When the only thing that remains
Is crazy regret that grows the more it’s hidden
Can you call my name?

If I live again, where would this place be?
If I leave, will I be able to forget?
It would hurt, I’d long for you more
It’ll be all precious

If I live again, will my tears dry up?
After I let go of the past days that I can’t even be sad about
If it’s not too late
I would love every single day
If it’s not too late

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Hoping to be a bridge between k-pop music & k-pop fans who don't understand the Korean language.

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